четверг, 6 февраля 2014 г.

It very interesting!!!

If you frequently interact with people , if you need to express their views , and generally you do not care what impression you make on others, you may need these simple tips. Some people are easier to keep silent than to say what they think. Many stubbornly stick to their line without hearing interlocutor. But you can learn to speak correctly , with minimal loss of time and effort plany.Borites realizing their fears you may shy people just look at them , to come close and will have to compete with such fears of their own weapons : - talking , keep eye contact with interlocutor longer than both of you is comfortable - came closer than usual to the people you feel you have broken them and their comfort zone or a distance is quite convenient for conversation - sometimes try to get people face-to- transport, at meetings (not hiding in the corner) - this also removes the fear of communication.

Источник: http://artpsiholog.ru/proizvodim-vpechatlenie/ © Психология отношений

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